
日期:2024-06-06  作者: 來源:學(xué)習(xí)強(qiáng)國  瀏覽量:480





The ancient Chinese believed that coexistence of different things and a stable order among them could not be realized by eliminating their differences; such coexistence could be achieved only by seeking to get along in harmony on the basis of respecting and preserving individual differences. That is what is meant by "harmony." In such a way, different things can develop themselves while complementing each other, stimulating the vitality of both individuals and all.


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Harmony begets new things; while uniformity does not lead to continuation. (Discourses on Governance of the States)




A man of virtue pursues harmony but does not seek uniformity; a petty man seeks uniformity but does not pursue harmony. (The Analects)

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