
日期:2024-06-13  作者: 來源:學(xué)習(xí)強國  瀏覽量:496

Wenhua (Cultural Education)


文治教化,即以禮樂、法度等教化民眾。是“人文化成”的略語。本指根據(jù)社會實際狀況,用合于“人文”的基本精神和原則教化民眾,引導(dǎo)民眾向善,以達成良好的社會治理狀態(tài),最終實現(xiàn)既有差等又有調(diào)和的社會秩序。在中國傳統(tǒng)語境中,多與“武功”(指運用強力甚至暴力手段實現(xiàn)社會治理)相對,是儒家倡導(dǎo)的治理國家的主要方法。近代以降,用為 culture一詞的對譯,通常指人類全部精神活動及其成果;在考古學(xué)上指同一歷史時期的遺跡、遺物的綜合體;在日常語用中也指運用文字的能力及所具有的一般知識等。


Wenhua?(文化) means to cultivate the populace through rituals, music, laws and so on. The term encapsulates the concept of teaching people essential ideals and principles of human culture while guiding them to embrace goodness so as to build a social order that is both differentiated and harmonious. In the traditional Chinese context,?wenhua?is the main method of governing the state advocated by Confucianism, as opposed to?wugong?(武功 the use of force or even violence to achieve social governance). In modern times,?wenhua?is used as the Chinese equivalent of the word "culture," which usually refers to all human cultural activities and achievements; in archaeology, it refers to the complex of relics and monuments of a given historical period; in everyday language, it also refers to the ability to use language and general knowledge.


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A wise ruler governs the country with culture and virtue as the first means and then force. Whenever force is used, it is because of the presence of disobedient people. Force is only used when cultural education (wenhua) fails. (Liu Xiang: Garden of Stories)


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