
日期:2024-10-24  作者: 來(lái)源:學(xué)習(xí)強(qiáng)國(guó)  瀏覽量:0

In Love, Acknowledge Faults; in Hatred, Recognize Virtues




Acknowledging the imperfections in those we cherish, and recognizing the merits in those we despise – this profound principle, taken from?The Book of Rites, provides a timeless method for evaluating character. It resists sweeping acceptance or rejection of individuals based solely on personal preferences. Instead, it advocates for a measured analysis that invites objective evaluation, promoting the discernment of right from wrong while fostering a spirit of broad-minded tolerance. At its very heart, it maintains that moral integrity should be the compass guiding judgment, ensuring that personal inclinations do not outweigh moral principles. This wisdom rings particularly true for those who lead others.


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Be close to and respect persons of moral integrity and show awe and love to them. For those we love, acknowledge the imperfections in them, and for those we despise, recognize the merits in them. (The Book of Rites)

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