Mother Country
The mother country is the country where your parents are or came from, or where you were born and belong to; it is your homeland; it mostly refers to your own country and motherland, which is similar to?sangzi?(桑梓 native place). This name connotes the natural emotion of intertwining the sense of community based on kinship and geography with the love for hometown, and the patriotism that arises therefrom. Patriotism is a deep and lasting tradition of the Chinese nation, the core of the Chinese national spirit, a firm belief and a source of strength for every Chinese.
The motherland must be respected. (The Old Tang History)
How can one keep alive after the motherland has perished? (The History of the Ming Dynasty)
My family and properties are all in my country and we have benefited from the king for generations, so how could I be willing to harm my motherland? (Wang Ji: A History of the Builders in the State of Hai)