
日期:2024-04-18  作者: 來源:學習強國  瀏覽量:559

Harmony Begets New Things




The notion that harmony begets new things was advanced by Grand Astrologer Shibo in the late Western Zhou Dynasty. He believed different things, when coexisting in harmony, would complement each other and beget new things. When applied to political governance, this concept requires those in power to preserve the particular features of different people and things and allow them to flourish. This nurtures the growth of new things and promotes the development of society.


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Uniformity does not lead to continuation; it is harmony that begets new things. Using one thing to complement another is harmonization, which leads to lasting abundance and attracts all things. If a thing is added to another of the same kind, it will be discarded when used up. (Discourses on Governance of the States)


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