
日期:2024-01-11  作者: 來源:學(xué)習(xí)強(qiáng)國  瀏覽量:488


The Law Is Just for All




The law is just for all and it must be the common standard for all behavior. Since the character 法 (law) came into existence, it has included the meaning "leveled as even as water," while?ping?(平) means being just, fair, and it also refers to common guidelines for all. Once a law is established, it applies equally to all. Any deviant or improper implementation will undermine its basic function so that it loses its true meaning. Without standards to guide human behavior, society will fall into disarray. This concept of judicial fairness has been commonly upheld by the Chinese since ancient times.


引例 Citations:





The Minister of Justice is responsible for administering the law fairly. Any deviations will lead to arbitrary, random punishments, and the populace will not know how to behave. (Records of the Historian)





Laws guide the actions of all, and should be obeyed by all. (History as a Mirror)

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